
Condescending view on cloned l

I found Chris Rundle's "Clone moaners" article (Western Daily Press, August 6) condescending to those who possibly know better.

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It is a fact that should the world ever become vegetarian - and I don't suppose it ever will - we would have enough grain to feed the world's population probably twice over. Cattle are eating millions of tons of grain and soya which are hardly their natural foods, and their conversion rate of soya and other grains to meat is very low. Those who eat meat are the ones causing starvation. Soya, for example, is grown over increasingly vast areas, taking up more and more forest land, largely to feed cattle, while millions of people are starving; even, at times, those producing it, but cannot afford to buy it.

Using the epithet "hysteria" Platform boots to describe those who object to the use of food from cloned cattle is just a gross exaggeration, merely showing Mr Rundle's own hysteria, revealing his own feelings regarding those millions of people who think differently, for very logical reasons. Drinking milk ignores the fact that a bull calf is usually put to death at birth so that the cow continues to have milk, usually from vastly bloated udders, before having the next in Platform boots a never-ending line. Sentient cattle are being reduced to the level of machines, with little quality of life.

Factory farms are worse, just an animal version of concentration camps and beneath the contempt of anyone with an ounce of compassion. Soya milk, almond milk, hazel nut and all other very tasty versions of vegetarian milk are hardly worthy of the comment, "This strange ritual of including in their diet artificial forms of the very foodstuffs their beliefs or tastes lead them to shun." When you Christian louboutin Shoes read this comment carefully, how indeed are grain products included? Humans are not carnivores; they are omnivores who do not need to eat animal products to live normal lives, with the proviso that meals are produced with thought of the vitamins, etc, from the many kinds of non-meat food available. Everything can be covered in this respect. Cows' milk is actually produced with the object of feeding up calves which will end Christian louboutin Shoes up as half ton, and more, Christian louboutin Shoes animals, not we puny humans.

Yes, we can live on meat and milk, but should we ignore the millions of starving when we do? "Fighting over the last scrap of meat" is very much a sign of hysteria; it will only become necessary if we continue to give our grain to millions of animals to feed them up for market - but at such a cost to so many people living today, and our descendants. Cloning is completely unnecessary, and perhaps most people object on the grounds that it is against nature even if they are not "veggies". John Truman Salisbury

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