
Noteworthy 10-19-10

Shamokin Twp. encourages voting

STONINGTON - At their recent meeting, Shamokin Township supervisors urged their constituents and others to vote in the Nov. 2 election.

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In the township, the poll is at the Stonington Fire Company building along Route 61. Soup, hotdogs and other items will be available for purchase.

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Discount Golf Clubs PennDOT cautions teens on texting

HARRISBURG - PennDOT urges teen drivers to avoid deadly distractions - such texting and talking on cell phones - and reminds parents of young drivers to always set a good example by driving safely.

Gov. Edward G. Rendell proclaimed Oct. 17-23 as Teen Driver Safety Week to coincide with the national observance.

From 2005 to 2009, there were 121,845 crashes involving at least one 16- to 19-year-old driver in Pennsylvania, resulting in 1,011 fatalities. Fifty-two percent of those crashes were the result of the teen driver driving too fast for conditions, driver inexperience, driver distraction and improper/careless turning.

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The risk of a crash formal evening gowns involving any of these factors can be reduced through practice, limiting the number of passengers riding with a teen driver, parents setting a good example for the teen driver, obeying all rules of the road and exercising common sense, PennDOT reports.

With this in mind, PennDOT offers the following safety tips to teen drivers:

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- Avoid distractions behind the wheel, such as talking or texting on your cell phone, adjusting the radio, combing hair or applying makeup, and eating.

- Obey the speed limit; driving too fast gives you less time to react.

- Adjust radio/climate controls before beginning your trip, have your passenger adjust the controls for you or adjust the controls when stopped.

PennDOT also reminds parents that adult supervision is a critical component of keeping teen drivers safe on the roads, as parents are in the best position to assess the teen driver's knowledge, skills and maturity.

