
Not the time to 'experiment' w

RADICAL Government policing plans have been criticised by Kirklees Council policy makers.

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The coalition's Policing in the 21st Century document contains far-reaching proposals designed to save money and make the police more accountable to the communities they serve.

T h e p r o p o s a l s o n t h e Government white paper, designed to cut bureaucracy, include:. Replacing police authorities with elected police commissioners who will decide police priorities and manage the force's chief constable;. Establishing a more independent constabulary inspectorate to hold police commissioners and forces to account;. Removing Government targets and centralised management;. Giving forces more responsibility to cut red tape.

But the document received a cold reception from Kirklees Council policy makers at a scrutiny committee meeting.

The response questions whether it is a suitable time to 'experiment with untried, untested and uncosted structures' including directly elected police commissioners.

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It says: "Kirklees has consistently opposed this principle... "We would welcome a more wide ranging and thorough assessment of the alternative models and current system before embarking on reform.

"Policing is of too much importance ... for it be led by policy that is hastily conceived and poorly implemented.

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"We worry guangzhou massage that the scale and scope of the proposed changes could be detrimental as the police try to, at the very least maintain, and hopefully improve, the service against a background of financial constraint."

