
Attack packaging

IN THESE times of cutbacks in local government, may I suggest that the Merseyside local authorities consider taking the supermarket giants to court under the EU Packaging Waste Directive 2003? They might take a leaf out of the book of Lincolnshire County Council, which is currently prosecuting Sainsbury under this Spyder Jackets rarely used regulation for excess packaging on a beef roasting joint.

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How often have we suffered the frustration of taking a carving knife or hand saw to obstinate and excessively packaged goods? Think of the savings all round if retailers could be compelled to reduce packaging to a minimum? For Spyder Jackets Franck Muller Replica a start, the impact on the environment would be self-evident in terms of the disposal of a mind-boggling tonnage of waste packaging.

There must surely follow a reduction in price which would benefit the consumer and the manufacturer in terms of costs.

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Goods would then be judged by the quality of their contents, rather than at present by the attraction of their packaging.

Franck Muller Replica Space in warehouses and upon supermarket shelves would increase and, perhaps in terms of recycling, we might even contemplate reducing from three bins to two? David Kirwan, former councillor, Wirral

