
Spoilt for choice, aren't we

I am not sure if I want so many choices. I look into a coffee menu and find it decimated to caf锟?au lait, caf锟?Americano, espresso granita, Lattecino to a zillion other options besides. If I decide to buy a dozen eggs, I have to choose between diet friendly, heart friendly, vitaminised, organic or regular. As for breakfast cereal, it might take me a day to wade through the 50 odd choices available.

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It doesn't stop at food and beverages. If I were to buy a designer handbags pair of jeans, I am blocked by all kinds of specifications; will it be slim fit, relaxed, easy fit, extra baggy, stone washed, faded or distressed? If I slip into a supermarket to buy a tub of lotion, I find that I have to choose from bottles that promise soothing, cooling, anti-ageing, exfoliating or healing properties.

Studies show that people make over 200 food decisions a day, many on autopilot. designer handbags As for other decisions, there's perhaps one for every waking hour.

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Many of my Bangalore friends are busy making important decisions at this time of the year. mont blanc pen Some are choosing between the warmest woollies as they pack their children off to foreign universities, some are deciding whether to go to Goa for a rain swept beach holiday or settle for a staycation (holiday at home) to save money. Some are wondering what should excite them next, post World Cup.

Younger people in the city, however, are busy planning their future. They are wondering which subjects to study, which career path to take and which colleges mont blanc pen to head for.

As I ponder over the subject of choices, I remember reading about a study that shows how the brain can get overwhelmed by choices. A now well-known experiment was done in a grocery store by a famous professor of business management, where two tables were set up with 24 and 6 types of jam respectively. More people stopped at the counter with several jam bottles but only 3% Coach handbags of them actually bought a jar, whereas 30% of buyers made a purchase at the other table.

This goes to show that having many choices may not make things easier. It's always good to narrow down your choices, but when it comes to making life changing decisions, it is good to consider every option very carefully.

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As one life coach puts it, "Sometimes it might be best to do the Coach handbags hardest thing, if it means that it will take you closer to a meaningful goal and if you are sure you can see it through." For instance, if you are trying to make a career choice, you should consider your talent and your dreams, but it is also important to see where each career path will take you in the future. You also need to figure out if you are willing to put in the kind of commitment and hard work that will be required to be successful.

Wouldn't life be perfect if we could have Paul the Octopus, to help us along?

Credit:Asha Chowdary

