
Food choices

WALES' four Euro-MPs are about to vote on whether shoppers have a right to clear and understandable information about the food we buy.

Christian Louboutin Christian Louboutin Christian Louboutin

But food manufacturers have been lobbying hard to stop 'traffic light labels', which use green, amber and red markings to show how NFL jerseys much salt, fat and sugar is in processed foods like ready meals.

The British Heart Foundation and Which? both back the labels, and I've received many letters, NFL jerseys e-mails and telephone calls from people in Wales asking me to support them.

Tory Burch

I for one am very happy to give my name to the campaign for honest up-front labelling and hope Wales' other MEPs Tory Burch will put aside party differences to join me in helping shoppers make Tory Burch an informed choice about what they're buying.

Derek Vaughan MEP Labour, Wales

